
CAll for papers

The Halfway to the Future symposium explores the past, present, and future of themes driving key research in HCI and design. Each theme will be addressed by a dedicated panel anchored by one or more core panelist discussing one of their influential texts in light of subsequent developments:

Plurality of humanness

How do our identities shape how we design and receive technologies? How best to address/adapt to this knowledge in shaping our future? How do we do justice to diversity?

Provocation: Shaowen Bardzell reflecting on Feminist HCI: taking stock and outlining an agenda for design



How do we design for the planet and not just humans?

Provocation: Ron Wakkary reflecting on Things we could design: For more than human-centered worlds

Reflective Practices with AI

What role does and should machine ‘intelligence’ play in shaping the design of our future?

Provocation: Terry Winograd reflecting on Understanding Computers and Cognition

New ways of knowing

What are our ‘ways of knowing’ in HCI design research? How may they need to change and grow to address the themes above? 


Paul Dourish reflecting on Where the Action Is

Kristina Höök reflecting on Designing with the body: Somaesthetic interaction design

The provocations will be followed by presentations, drawn from submitted papers, of current related work and short future-oriented provocations and a panel discussion/Q&A seeking to shape the agenda of that research area in the years to come. The event will also include opportunities to show and share design work in conversational forums such as a poster session and informal demos. 

Submission Information

We invite papers (up to 6,000 words, excl. references) and pictorials (up to 8 pages, excl. references) addressing current work relating to the themes above, especially those building on or responding to the influential works to be discussed.

We also invite short papers (up to 2,000 words, excl. references) or pictorials (up to 4 pages, excl. references) looking towards the future of these themes. Papers can take the form of projected projects, design fictions, manifestos, or anything that fires your imagination. Accepted papers not chosen for panels will be invited to be presented in poster format. We will publish an edited volume of panel papers and online adjunct proceedings of papers selected for poster presentation.

For information on preparing a submission, including the templates to use, please read the submission guidance webpage. All submissions will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field and the process will be double-blind. We will publish all accepted papers in the Halfway to the Future Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library, as part of the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS).

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: June 15 June 22 (EoD AoE)
  • Notification: July 15 July 23 (EoD AoE)
  • Camera-ready submissions: August 10 (EoD AoE)
  • Deadline for confirmation of attendance (for presenting authors): July 31 August 15 (EoD AoE)
  • Early bird registration closes: August 31 September 15 (EoD AoE)
  • Registration closes: tbd

Deadline extended again 🙂

For questions about the submission themes, contact theme chairs:

For questions about the submission process, contact publication chairs:  Linda Hirsch ( & Laia Turmo Vidal (

For questions about the conference format and logistics, contact general chairs: Katherine Isbister (, Ferran Altarriba Bertran ( & Stuart Reeves (

Submission Guidelines

HTTF 2024 adopts the formatting guidelines of ACM. Online guidance is available from the ACM: and https://

Authors submitting papers should prepare their manuscript in the designated single-column format in PDF using the existing LaTeX or Word templates:

  • Microsoft Word
  • LaTeX (Use sample-manuscript.tex for submissions)
  • Overleaf (or search for: ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article)

For pictorial submissions we strongly advise using the InDesign template below. Alternatively, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint templates are also available as accessible options:

Submissions must be in PDF format.

Supplementary material (images, video, etc.) may optionally be submitted with papers, must be submitted as a single zip file, and must be no larger than 100MB. The supplemental materials will not be part of the conference proceedings, so they will only aid in the reviewing process.

Anonymization Policy

The reviewing process for HTTF 2024 will be double-blind. Thus, all submitted manuscripts should be appropriately anonymized to not reveal either the authors’ identities or institutions.

HTTF 2024 follows the ACM CHI Anonymization Policy for reviewing. Author identities, affiliations and other identifying data must be left blank (e.g. in the main page, title and headers). We expect authors to avoid descriptions in the body of text that reveal the authors’ names or affiliations (e.g. detailed descriptions of where the study was conducted, university names). Acknowledgment sections must not include at this stage information that can reveal the authors or institutions (e.g. references to specific supporting grants). Further, please make sure that any identifying information is removed from the document’s meta-data (e.g., the ‘Authors’ field in your word processor’s ‘Save As’ box).

Further suppression of identity in the body of the submission is left to the authors’ discretion. However, we do expect that authors refrain from anonymizing citations to their previous work, allowing reviewers to verify that all relevant research has been considered. Authors must cite their own work in the third person, for example, using "As described by Jones et al. [10]," rather than "As described in our previous work [10], ..."

Submitting your PDF Manuscript

The submission process will be handled through the EasyChair System. When creating a submission, authors should select in the system if their manuscript should be considered for the full papers or short papers track.

Once a submission is created, EasyChair allows authors to make changes to it until the deadline. HTTF 2024 submission deadline is June 15 (AOE).

Upon Acceptance of Your Paper

Information forthcoming.

Easychair Login

Instructions for Accepted Papers

Important note to authors about the new ACM open access publishing model

ACM has introduced a new open access publishing model for the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). Authors based at institutions that are not yet part of the ACM Open program and do not qualify for a waiver will be required to pay an article processing charge (APC) to publish their ICPS article in the ACM Digital Library. To determine whether or not an APC will be applicable to your article, please follow the detailed guidance here:

Further information may be found on the ACM website, as follows:

Full details of the new ICPS publishing model:

Full details of the ACM Open program:

Please direct all questions about the new model to

Accepted submission guidance

Accepted authors will be asked to submit both their camera-ready PDF and the raw source (i.e. Word document/LaTeX source). This is required by the ACM in order for your paper to be included in the ACM Digital Library.

The deadline for submission of final formatted versions is August 10th August 21st, at the end of the day, anywhere on earth (AOE). Please, be aware that at least one of the authors of the accepted publications will need to register for the symposium and pay the registration fee for their work to be included in Halfway to the Future 2024 proceedings. We will ask that presenting authors register by August 15th.

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the symposium. 

If you have concrete questions about your publication, send an email to our publication chairs Linda Hirsch ( and Laia Turmo Vidal ( 

Overall process

  1. Prepare a revised version of your work using the final template, incorporating the changes requested by reviewers. 
  2. Complete the ACM rights allocation once you receive it.
  3. Submit the final versions for publication using ACM’s TAPS publishing system by August 10th August 21st, AoE. This deadline is strict and important to ensure that your publication is ready and available in ACM DL by the time of the symposium.
  4. Presenting authors need to register by August 15th.

Step 1: Preparing your camera ready paper and pictorial

Prepare a camera-ready version of your work using the final template, incorporating the relevant changes proposed by reviewers. Note that authors from HttF’24 will submit the final camera-ready version directly to TAPS, not Easy Chair. 

The PC committee will not double-check the camera-ready submissions, except for a few cases where authors will be informed individually. Therefore, we strongly urge authors to address and incorporate the most relevant reviewers’ comments concisely, ensuring their text does not exceed the word limit.

In addition to making the requested changes, authors are required to import required indexing concepts for their article from the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) using an indexing support tool found in the ACM Digital Library (DL), which generates the necessary TeX code once you have selected your terms (and generates XML for Word documents). The ACM requires the use of this tool to generate your CCS concepts before submission to the Digital Library.

Formatting and Templates

Authors of accepted papers must format and submit their documents using the ACM Master Article Template workflow. Authors of pictorials must copy and paste the e-rights into their documents, add author names and institutions, and follow the same ACM rights and TAPS upload process.

For more information on using LaTeX to prepare your article, please see Preparing Your Article with LaTeX.  LaTeX papers should be double-column with the “sigconf” option in the \documentclass.

For more information on using Microsoft Word to prepare your article, please see Preparing Your Article with Microsoft Word. For those working with a Word template: Word users should download the Word Master Article template from ACM, apply it to your submission (details given in the link), and follow the guide in marking up your references accordingly. Papers prepared in Word will be in single column.

Note that Mendeley users may have to convert their dynamic Mendeley references to the text, as the ACM macros do not always seem to work with Mendeley's references.


We also request that authors make their papers as accessible as possible by including alternative text for all images and tables to make more of your content available to readers with visual impairments.

Step 2: ACM rights

Corresponding authors will receive an email with a form to complete an e-rights form for publication to ACM DL. Once the form is completed, authors will receive another email with the correct rights text and bibliographic strip that must be placed within the paper where required in the template. Please expect an email from and adjust your junk/spam settings accordingly.

No pre-publication version may be put online or otherwise distributed until all rights management, bibliographic information, and copyright information have been completed and confirmed by the Programme Chairs.

Halfway to the Future 2024 follows ACM’s new Open Access model. Submissions whose corresponding author is affiliated with an institution that a) participates in ACM’s transformative ACM Open model or b) belongs to this list of countries covered by ACM’s agreements with EIFL and Research4Life will be published in the DL at no charge. For papers that do not fall into the above categories, article processing charges (APCs) will apply and will be processed by ACM. Please, read the information on these links carefully.

Step 3: Upload your camera-ready paper to TAPS

After authors complete the ACM e-Rights form (to be completed before the “e-rights completion deadline”), they get an automated email with a link to the TAPS upload form and instructions. Submit the final versions for publication using ACM’s TAPS publishing system at the latest by August 10th August 21st. This deadline is strict and important to ensure that your publication is ready and available in ACM DL by the time of the symposium. As authors, you will then use it to upload your source documents. 

Once you have uploaded your source material to TAPS, TAPS will then generate PDF and HTML5 outputs from the source files and notify the authors via email if problems occur. The authors then need to check whether both versions have been rendered correctly. If not, the authors must fix errors and re-upload the sources to TAPS. They may request help from the TAPS support and Publication Chairs. Authors can iteratively upload revised source files to TAPS and work on the outputs until the “TAPS Closes Deadline”. If you want to revise your final outputs, click “reject” and resubmit your source files.